Membership Application
Dues Payment


Membership is open to individuals interested in the history of Escambia County, Alabama. Regular dues are $25.00 per individual per year (or $35.00/for two persons in a family receiving mail/email at the same address) and are due January 1 each year.
Lifetime memberships are available for $500.00/person; business memberships are available for $100.00/year, which includes a business card sized advertisement in the monthly newsletter, published 11 times yearly.

Please complete and turn in this form to one of the officers or you may mail it to Membership, Escambia County Historical Society, P.O. Box 276, Brewton, AL 36427.

Date ____________
Name(s) _______________________________________________________
(If more than one in a family, please list both names here)
Address: _______________________________________________________
City _____________________________ State ______ Zip _______________
Telephone No: ____________________ Cell ____________________
E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________

Do you prefer receiving the Newsletter by email or regular mail?   Email __ Regular mail __

(ECHS members have the option of receiving the newsletter by U.S. Mail or by email. Since the postage on the newsletter varies but is at least around $.60, we encourage members with email addresses to select “email.” By the time 100 or so are sent, postage alone is a substantial amount over the span of a year.)

The Escambia County Historical Society meets the fourth Tuesday of each month except November and December in the Thomas E. McMillan Museum in the Fine Arts Building at Coastal Alabama Community College, Brewton, Alabama. A December meeting is the annual Christmas Party and will be announced later.

______________ Membership fee ($25.00/ person or $35.00 for two family members who share the same address)
______________ $500.00/person for Lifetime membership
______________ $100.00 business membership
______________ Donation (Your financial support over and above dues is encouraged)
______________ Total

Special interests: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I would like to help with __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

MT__ Yahoo __
_______ ___
Many months we feature birthdays and anniversaries in the newsletter. If you’d like to have yours mentioned please note the dates here: Birthdate __________ Anniversary __________

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